World Business News

Friday 15 March 2013

Excellent Article for budding female entrepreneurs

Mrs Oates found this and it is a stunning read. Some of the stats and facts within are astounding and her views on women in the workplace are inspirational. The idea that you can't have a family and a career as a woman are totally thrown into perspective!

I have quite often told Mrs Oates I am happy to become a house husband, such is my passion for female equality but she doesn't like the idea for some reason?

Anyhows great bit of side information for psychology and sociology students with the Harvard Business School Experiment spoken about using a different names candidate who was a success and people viewing the female candidate in a negative light compared to the male one.

If you are wondering who Sheryl Sandberg is btw check out THIS brief profile.

1 comment:

  1. I watched a CNN clip on this... Howard and Heidi... Quite interesting! Will see if I can find it.
